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Our Glendale divorce lawyers can help with the complications surrounding child support payments and custody agreements. We offer fixed fee rates and payment plans so cost is never an issue. 

How can I receive child support payments in Glendale?

Child support payments need to include basic living costs for the child. Things included in this are food, clothing, housing utilities, transportation, personal care and health insurance. Along with the regular child support payments, there could also be variable costs associated with child support. These include child care, tuition for school, special needs of the child or other activities that have a considerable cost associated with them. Variable costs are in addition to support payments, they are not included. There are 2 ways Child Support payments are distributed:

Direct Deposit: sends payments directly to the checking or savings account that you provide.

EPPIC MasterCard: acts like an ATM card or Bankcard, which will be sent to you if there is no DIrect Deposit account set up.

In Glendale, typically the parent that the child does not live with pays the support, and the parent the child is actively living with receives the support. The support guidelines are outlined to explain what each parent owes.

What are the child support income and special support guidelines in Glendale?

In Glendale, child support is calculated based on the Wisconsin Income Guidelines. These guidelines are:

Our easy-to-use child support calculator or the Child Support Conversion Table can help you estimate what your monthly child support obligation will be.

Special Support Guidelines for Glendale follow the Wisconsin guidelines and are in place for parents who:


A source of income for child support in Outagamie County

Sources of income in Outagamie County correspond with the Wisconsin guidelines. Any of the following can be considered sources of income:

Wages, Salaries, Earnings, Tips, Commissions or Bonuses from work
Interest or capital gain from investments or properties
Workers Compensation benefits or personal injury awards intended to replace income
Unemployment insurance
Social Security Disability Income (SSID), but not Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or any other public assistance
Military allowances and veterans benefits
Voluntary retirement contributions, cafeteria plans, or any undistributed income of a corporation

Adjusting child support payments in Glendale, WI

The term modification is used in Wisconsin to define having a child support order legally changed. The only way for an order to be modified is by a court review. After the court’s decision, monthly payments can either increase or decrease, along with the option to add or adjust the order to provide medical support. To obtain the modification forms, please visit the Wisconsin Court Systems Forms site.

Reviewing a Glendale child support order: What needs to be done to adjust it?

A review will look at 3 questions when deciding if an order needs adjusting.

  1. Are the payments in line with the percentage of income guidelines?

  2. Is there medical support included in the order?

    1. The child is already enrolled in a health care plan by one of the parents OR enrolling them in a health care plan

    2. The health insurance premiums being provided by the other parent are being paid

    3. All medical and dental costs or bills are being paid

  3. Are there any substantial circumstance changes since the last order?

Order reviews & updates

You will need to request a modification to your order from the court. This review is the only way that a child support order can be modified. This decision can increase or decrease your monthly payments, along with the option to add or modify the order to include medical support. To get the order modification forms, please visit the Wisconsin Court Systems Forms.


A review of an order to see if it needs to be updated will be completed if:

  • The order hasn’t been reviewed in the last 3 years AND one of the parents has been receiving cash benefits for the children.

  • A parent requests a review AND there it hasn’t been reviewed in the past 3 years.

    • If a substantial change in circumstances occurs, the local child support agency may do a review more frequently than every 3 years. In this case, a written request will be made to the agency.

    • Examples of substantial changes are changing the placement of the child, a parent has a large income change, the paying parent is in jail/prison.

  • A review is ordered by the court.

  • An attorney is hired by one of the parents to request a review from the court

  • A request is made by one of the parents using a pro se form.


An order WOULD NOT have a review done if:

  • The parent has no legal duty in providing support for the child.

    • All the children are either emancipated, or the paying parent ended their rights.

  • Good Cause was found or pending for one of the parents in W-2

    • The parent with Good Cause can request a review

  • A different state also have control over the order

  • The parent’s location is unknown

  • The paying parent reduced their income voluntarily

When can child support payments in Glendale be adjusted?

Following closely to Wisconsin guidelines, Glendale child support payments can be adjusted if:

Frequently asked questions about adjusting child support

Can I get help on adjusting my child support order not having to go to court?

If both parents are able to agree on changing the support, one of our experienced family law lawyers can assist in preparing the agreement to submit to the court. Our lawyers can also help with mediation if an agreement between parents is difficult to reach.

If I think the other parent’s income has changed, can I set a court order or adjust my child support order?

Requesting a modification from the court can bring on different outcomes than the ones that were expected. Contact one of our attorneys near Glendale to be sure you have all the facts in your case before requesting a modification.

Is there anything I can do about my modification request taking a long time with the child support agency?

The Glendale child support agency is involved in many cases. To ensure all cases are processed fairly, some time can be taken for each case to process. To try and speed up your case, you can file a motion for the court. Contact us if you have any questions regarding this process.

Enforcing child support payments in Glendale Wisconsin

The child support agency in Glendale ensures all cases are monitored individually and are following court orders. If the payer is one or more months behind, the agency is required to take action by federal guidelines. First, the court will have income withholding initiated on the paying parent. All late payments will then start to acquire interest in addition to income withholding. Income withholding will continue to increase as the payments continue to be past due.

Legal actions will be taken on the paying parent once the past due support reaches a certain level. Actions included in this are intercepting tax refunds or imposing liens on properties. Actions under federal enforcement include the denial of loans, grants or passports. Credit bureaus will be notified of all overdue support. Take a look at the Wisconsin Legislatures Child Support Administrative Enforcement to learn more about legal actions that can be taken when child support is overdue. 

Frequently asked questions about child support enforcement

What is the length of time child support payments can be enforced?

Income withholding will continue at the same rate until all past due payments are paid in full. Past due payments in support cases can be enforced for up to 20 years after the youngest child turns 18 years old.

If I get called into active duty, what will happen to my child support order?

If you usually have child support withheld from your civilian paycheck then the same will be done for your military pay. Make sure to update your status with the Glendale child support agency.

What can I do if the other parent won’t let me see my children?

The court has the only authority and responsibility to enforce custody, visitation and placement decisions. Contact one of our divorce attorneys to get your free case consultation to see what can be done with your case.

Can a child support agency arrest the other parent?

Child support agencies do not have the authority to arrest the other parent. They will need to send a warrant to court for a signature. If signed and filed will be sent to the Sheriff’s office who can then arrest the parent.

Can I do anything if I do not agree with the last decision made by the court?

The Glendale child support agency does not have the authority to do anything after a court ruling. One of our family law lawyers can help you appeal this decision at another court date, or you can talk to your caseworker about any other options available.

How to stop child support payments in Glendale

You and the other parent will need to sign a stipulation agreement. This agreement is a legal document that will lessen or terminate any past-due support that is owed. The court needs to approve this document before it goes into effect. This will not forgive any payments that are owed to the state. Once in effect, this cannot be reversed. 

The age that most child support cases end in Wisconsin is when the child turns 18. If they are still attending high school or finishing their GED at this age, the child support order will continue until they turn 19 years old. If the child isn’t pursuing their high school education or equivalent, the payments for child support will end. All arrears (past due support payments) are enforceable for up to 20 years after the child turns 18. An emancipation letter will be sent to both parents 90 days before the 18th birthday of the child. This order will end once the youngest child turns 18 unless it can be proved that they are pursuing their high school education or equivalent.

When can child support extend past the Age of Majority?

When the child is mentally or physically disabled and is unable to support themselves on their own, the age of majority will be extended. In general, the court defines the term “disability” as being unable to earn a high enough living to support or take care of oneself. Each state differs on if adult disabled child support is part of the support guidelines, or if it is based on the needs of the child in comparison to the parent’s ability to provide.

Can I switch my support order to college support?

Creating college support orders is offered to parents in many states. This is done by either court order or by both parents voluntarily. This can be in addition to the current child support order, or in a separate college support order after the current order is done. Every state offers parents the option of adding college funds into their child’s support order.

Contact one of our Glendale divorce attorneys to learn more about getting, modifying, enforcing, or terminating child support.

Frequently Asked Questions about Child Support

Is there a fee for Glendale Child Support Services?

Glendale does not charge a fee for Child Support Services. There may, however, be a fee for any specialized child support services that are not part of the support guidelines.

How can I start a child support order or request a change to my current order?

The following need to be completed in order to start or change your child support: File the paperwork necessary with the Glendale County court clerk File a copy with the Glendale child support agency Make sure the other parent is served with the new or updated papers.

How can I avoid further enforcement actions?

Ways of avoiding further enforcement actions are: Pay all past due payments in full, then keep up with current payments If you make a job change, ensure that your support is paid on time. If there is any possibility of your paycheck deduction from your employer being delayed, send your payment and payment coupon to the Glendale child support agency. Start a payment plan with the Glendale agency for any and all past due payments.

If I lose my job, what will happen to my child support?

Even after the loss of a job, the child support order will continue. The court has the only authority to change an order. If there is a substantial change in income due to this job loss, a request for a change in the amount of support you are paying can be sent in. This will not happen automatically, so be sure to contact one of our divorce attorneys or the Glendale child support agency to see how to make a change to your support.

What happens when the parent ignores paying child support?

When a parent refuses to pay child support, income withholding will continue at the same rate until all the past-due payments are fully paid. These cases can be enforced up to 20 years AFTER the youngest child turns 18.




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